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MISGA Member Club:

Leisure World Golf Club


Map & Directions


Barry Falgout

Assistant Rep:

Sperry Storm
301-538-2790 (C)

Assistant Rep:

Richard Falck
301-252-4442 (C)

Assistant Rep:

Carl Ridenour


From Washington Beltway (I-495)
Take Georgia Ave. (Rte 97) north 7 miles to Rossmoor Blvd (1st Light Past Bel Pre Rd). Look for the Leisure World Globe and turn Right and stop at gate for directions to Golf Course.
From I-70 (from Frederick or Baltimore)
Take Rte 97 South (becomes Georgia Ave) about 18 miles to Rossmoor Blvd South of Rte 28 is a shopping center with a Giant Food on your left. Rossmoor Blvd is just past the Giant. Turn Left and stop at gate for directions to Golf Course.
Coming South on I-95 or Rte 29
Take Rte 198 west - turn right and proceed until it dead ends at New Hampshire Ave (Rte 650). Turn Right to first light and turn Left on Ednor Rd. Proceed to 2nd Light and turn Right at Norbeck Rd. (Rte 28). Follow Rte 28 to 2nd light and turn left on Rte 97 (Georgia Ave) south on Rte 97 is a shopping center with a Giant Food on your left. Rossmoor Blvd is just past the Giant. Turn Left and stop at gate for directions to Golf Course.
MISGA Mixer: $60

Payment: Cash or Check only

Tee Time: 9:00 AM

Golf Pro: Richard Rosenthal

Pro Shop: 301-598-1570
Course Status: 301-598-1570